October 3
the iui was yesterday!! total motile was 19 million. dr said once again that anything over 10 million was bonus.
...this is the most discouraging part of the process bc i cannot move forward anymore... just wait and pray and seek the Lord! so hard for this control freak who wants to manage everything!!! pray that i move forward in faith and not fear. i have been concerned that my follies were not yet big enough. i keep hearing and reading that 16 is mature with injectable cycles..in which case i was fine since i probably had 4 that were 16 or 17 mm by the time of the trigger...but i keep thinking...oh no, what if i didn't ovulate! my temp was barely up this morning like it usually is so we will see what happens tomorrow. i played around and do get a coverline if it goes up again in the next 2 days. you know i have to have something to worry about! hanging onto psalm 94:19...though my anxious thoughts multiply within me Your consolation brings joy to my soul!
an email update from Ryan…
Dre and I had another IUI yesterday. Of all the factors that go into making it successful (ovary sizes, hormone levels, lining size, etc.) some things looked pretty promising and others seemed, at best, a guessing game. We don't feel as confident about this one as we have in the past...but we also know that this stuff is out of our hands and there's no telling what will happen.
Opening the Gift of Gratitude
3 hours ago
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