another twin mommy friend of mine wrote this on her blog a while back. it has meant so much to me as i reflect on motherhood that i had to share it with you.
...of all the things i've done in my life, nothing feels more important than the responsibility of raising a person brimming with self-confidence, the ability to love and the desire to contribute to society.
i have read that the human personality, and self-esteem, is more or less defined by the time a child is three. so far, i think i am on track. i am proud that my little girls have never known a moment without love. as they grow older, they may not always recognize that love comes in a variety of forms: they may gripe about limited TV viewing, or roll their eyes at the thank-you letter that i insist they write. but one day, my daughters will get it.
being a mom feels like the most important job in the entire world. in effect, i can create a masterpiece! sure, my daughters come with genetic material that control more than we know, but i have the awesome ability to direct those inborn traits to their fullest potential.
i can't be perfect at motherhood. but the well-being of my children demand that i always do my best. one day, they will blossom into godly women who are in charge of their own destiny, and are appreciative of the life they have been given -- if i do my job right.
if i could, I'd put "mommy" on my resume, because nothing has taught me as much responsibility, or given me as many new skills, as preslee and mason -- who are now sleeping like little angels.
the most rewarding, and surprising thing about motherhood is how much i can affect the future, even after i am gone. my daughters will one day graduate from crawling all over the living room floor to scaling much greater heights. and a lot of that is up to me.
A Midlife Check-In: What Will You Keep?
9 hours ago
love this, and was so great to read this morning after a long night! ;)