Wednesday, April 30, 2008

brown bear, brown bear of their favorite reads. berkley said the word "book" this week. usually she makes the sound "b" or "k" but she actually said book! she has also started saying ball. their receptive language is really growing too. i asked davis where his drink was the other day & he scooted over to where it was & picked it up!
such smart babies.


  1. ahhhh we LOVE this book! eric carle is a favorite in our house!!! so great that berk is starting to talk! i just love it!

  2. I love this picture of Ryan and the wee ones! And isn't the talking so fun? We need to start reading different books to Jayden. He always just gets Goodnight Moon! :)

  3. "receptive language"- you are such a good early childhood educator, of course your children will be brilliant!

  4. I laughed when I read "receptive language." Gee, are you a Head Start teacher or what?? I love reading your blog! Keep the stories and updates coming!

  5. so funny! i didn't think twice about "receptive language". i forget that it's not all that important in the great big world of grown ups. i just love watching little brains develop before my eyes :)


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