a chronicle of ramblings that i collected from emails/ posts
Saturday, April 21
Hello all! We first want to say thank you for everyone who has been praying! And, for many of you, this may be the first you’ve heard anything since recent events have happened so quickly and Andrea is not able to communicate well right now… This email is a huge prayer request for us and we greatly appreciate you remembering our family in this time.
Many of you saw Andrea just last week at her CS baby shower and are aware that she has had an uneventful, healthy pregnancy so far. On Thursday (the 21) we had our normal weekly ultrasound appointment. Andrea had been feeling some sharp pains in her abdomen earlier that day at work. It was discovered that she had a combination of a stomach flu/ fever accompanied with contractions. Due to the fact that Andrea had a stomach flu, doctor’s weren’t able to determine whether the contractions were set off by the GI upset or if her illness was indicating the onset of lab or. So, we were sent to St. Joseph’s hospital (in Bryan, TX) overnight to see if the contractions could be controlled by meds. Friday morning, the contractions were still fairly regular, and Andrea’s cervix was both dilating and effacing. Andrea was transported via ambulance to the Scott and White hospital in Temple…where we currently reside. When we first arrived, her contractions were averaging 3-5 minutes apart. Last night, she was given a different medication which slowed the contractions to every 20-30 minutes…which is a huge answer to prayer. As for the babies, Andrea is receiving steroid shots to advance their lung development since they will only be 31 weeks on Monday. Once the shots take effect (by Monday, the 23rd) she will be taken off the anti contraction medications and be closely monitored. If her contractions pick back up, we will likely prepare to deliver the babies in the next week or so. (They are planning for a C-section since Davis is sitting breach on Andrea’s cervix. Berkley is literally flipping back and forth from breach to vertex within minutes!) If Andrea’s contractions continue to level out when she is off medication, we’ll be sent home, where she will stay on bed-rest and be closely monitored.
So that’s where we are. Please pray for the babies to continue to develop quickly and safely. Thankfully, we are at one of the best hospitals in the country for high risk preemies. Our little ones are in the care of truly incredible and experienced specialists that have been a great source of encouragement for us. Please pray for Andrea as her body endures the contractions, medications and all of the emotions accompanied with pre-term labor. We will keep you posted, likely through e-mail, as we progress in this roller-coaster ride.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers and support. We have yet again been overwhelmed by the prayers, love and support extended through you. (We have only been here a day and have had several visitors, family, friends, co-workers and even people whom we do not know, from Temple Bible Church stop by to pray with us and offer support!) We love you each and will be in touch.
Ryan (on behalf of andrea & the babies)
Sunday, April 22, 2007 (in the hospital for pre-term labor)
Just woke up from a few hour nap..praise the LORD! They had to skip my medication over night since my blood pressure was low, which meant I had contractions really close together all night long that kept me awake.
I had a hard morning today combating fear & fatigue but overall I have been overwhelmed by His peace. The verse that continues to comes to mind is that He will keep in perfect peace, him whose mind is stayed on thee! His joy is our strenght right now. We have also been incredibly loved and encouraged through your many prayers and well wishes!! They are helping to sustain us!
Please pray specifically for tomorrow since it is a pivotal day. They have kept me on anti-contraction meds long enough for the steroids to start preparing the babies lungs. They do not like to keep women on the drugs long term bc of side effects to the mother. They will stop the drugs tomorrow and monitor me for 12-24 hours. If my contractions continue to be within the normal range I will get to go home for bed rest. The wonderful news is that so far my contractions seem to be physiological, meaning they are normal considering I am carrying twins and almost in my 32 week. Contractions are not a concern unless there is cervical change. Despite having contractions over the last few days my cervix has not changed for the worst but for the better since thursday! I am still only dilated one centimeter and my cervix has actually thickened. There is some funneling but I am measuring over 2.5 long. (Davis is literally sitting on top of my cervix which might have caused some of the effacement) On our growth scans the last few days Berkley is literally doing flip flops with all the room she has to herself!! She went from breech to vertex 3 times in 10 minutes!!! The doctors said my cervix could hold out for several more weeks and are optimistic i can go home this week. The other HUGE blessing is that every doctor or nurse that has been on shift has said the babies look perfect. Their heartbeats are strong and responsive to stimuli and they are practicing breathing (swallowing the amniotic fluid). They estimate them to be near 3.5 pounds and said that for this NICU they are “big babies”. Three sets of twin babies came in over night (all between 30-32 weeks). Several had to be delivered because their water had already ruptured. We are thankful for each new day and the doctors/ neonatologists all agree that every day more counts. Ryan and I are in such wonderful and capable hands...this NICU is ranked on the top!
So there is my long winded update for now! I am learning more than ever that He is the “blessed controller of all things” and has all of our times in His hands! I have experienced the freedom that comes from knowing that I do not and can not control anything!!! shocking right?
Thank you again and again for your love and support! We love, miss and appreciate you!
May 2
was laying here today and realized that it has already been 2 weeks tomorrow since we went to the hospital. I am so grateful to the LORD for the time He has given us and 34 weeks doesn’t see so far off anymore! Ryan has a feeling that we will get even closer to our original goal of 36 weeks but I am not pressing it!
The contractions have really slowed down for which I am sooooo thankful. They were still 6 minutes apart when I first got home… I would wonder..is this the one that will send me to the hospital again! Some hours I don’t even notice them at all… they are most obvious when I get up to go to the bathroom or I turn over, sit up, etc. They were waking me up throughout the night the first few nights but each day I am able to rest a little more through the night as they continue to slow down and my mind adjusts to having them. That was the hardest part…training my mind to not fear them and taking thoughts captive!
Can I tell you one more amazing provision from the LORD? I went to my classroom last Friday on the way home from the doctor… she approved me to stop by. It was precious…my kids ran and covered me with hugs and kisses. One of them said…I had a bad dream about you…I had a dream you were not at school anymore. I almost cried it was so wonderful to see them!!!! While I was there another teacher brought me a piece of paper with a phone number on it. It turns out there is a woman who lives right behind our school…I can walk to her house from our playground/ classroom (I am in a portable building). She does in home care and wants to take the twins!!! She is a wonderful Christian woman who taught head start at at our school years ago. She is only keeping a few kids…3 different teachers babies (the other 2 teachers are friends of mine) and said she would like to keep ours!!! I am so thankful to the LORD for this amazing arrangement.
Other ways the LORD has cared for us…a group of teachers came to our house while we were in the hospital and did spring cleaning! I thought our house was pretty clean but they dusted everything, scrubbed the showers/ tubs, washed/ folded laundry, changed all the bed sheets…you name it, they did it!!! I have never seen our entire house so clean before! We have had people bringing meals and are booked all the way through May! And the babies have not even arrived yet. We had other friends get us the blockbuster special for movie rentals and my dad paid a year for our internet service. Finally, teachers at school have made a “bed rest basket” full of goodies/ presents. My instructions were to open one each day while I am on bed rest! Isn't that incredible?? We have been so challenged to love others in more tangible ways.
i think that sums everything up for now… we have been overwhelmed by the Lord’s tender care of us over the last several weeks and are encouraged that His hand is tightly holding these babies.
May 3
my dr apt went well...she decided to wait until next week to check my cervix since my contx are not concerning at this point. she got a great picture of berkley's sweet face. she is now head down but davis is still lower and breech. he has moved up from my cervix though which has relieved a ton of pressure. i lost 7 pounds since last week...my dr. says she isn't concerned since it was all fluids...from the meds and swelling. that still only puts me at a 22 pound weight gain which worries me. i just want to make sure the babies are gaining. i eat and eat and enjoy ice cream EVERY night! any suggestions? will have a growth scan in 2 weeks if they hold out until then.
when we got home from the apt. we set up the tripod and took our maternity pics since i never got those done before bed rest...here are some of my favorites.
May 7
on saturday night i was up all night with really strong contx. i was just telling ryan how grateful i was that i barely noticed them anymore and that they had spaced out quite a bit on some days.they have not kept me up at night for over a week or so which has really helped me to sleep. but sat night they were 5 min apart and more uncomfortable than i had experienced so far. i was also exp some cramping and nausea. i started throwing up in the morning..i. think from the contrax. we decided to go to the local hospital yesterday morning. they gave me a few bretheme shots to slow them down. thankfully i responded much better this time and didn't need the magnesium, which is TERRIBLE. so they shut down the contrax...i only had 1 or 2 an hour and a lot of other little bumps on the page from uterine irritability. at this point the drs. all say bc i am so little and carrying twins i am just going to have an irritable uterus. so they put me on the bretheme/ turb pills every 4 hours and it has been super effective. i only had a few an hour and my cervix is holding out at 1.5. i am more effaced however...80 percent. so they stopped the bretheme and bc i was stable they let me come back home this morning, PTL! they gave me a px of the meds and thankfully don't think i need to take it every four hours...just when they get more frequent and painful again. they have been pretty calm today since i came home... thankful for another day!! and praying for 7 more to get to our goal!!! thanks for worrying and praying. i hope to be home and back in touch for the rest of the week!
May 9
will you pray for sleep for me? i slept maybe 3 hours last night. the babies are so active all night and davis kicks my cervix which is painful...and although the contrx are not hurting at this point they still keep me up a lot. and of course i can't shut my mind off. sweet ryan heard me crying in the bathroom last night and got up with me. he prayed over me and played with my hair. as much as he tried to help i could not go to sleep so was up from 1 to almost 5am. at one point i just started sobbing, i was so tired and feeling helpless. i know i will not get much sleep when the twins come home but 3 hours at a time would be so nice right now!
May 11, 2007
thanks for praying for my sleep... it has really been a rough week. i had an apt. yesterday and she gave me a px for visteril?? does that sound right? it is more mild than ambien..not a sleep drug but some kind of tranquilizer that helps with relaxation and makes you drowsy. i'll take it tonight and we'll see how it goes!
May 18
we had our growth scan today... we were 34.4 and berkley is estimated to weigh 5 pounds 9 ounces. davis has always been a little behind and he is weighing 4 pounds 12 ounces. i know they can be REALLY off but i am thankful they are both measuring close to 5 pounds for now. my cervix is holding out at 3.6, which isn't terrible i don't think. my dr. will check to see how dilated i am this thursday but she said even if i am at a 4 as long as i am not in labor she will let me go a little further. it would be crazy to make it to 37 weeks but if that is the case she will schedule our c-section for then. that is only 2 weeks away!
it has really hit ryan and i when we consider the babies are no more than 2 weeks away. it is sooo surreal!
May 23, 2007
went to my student's graduation this morning!!! what a treat..and an answer to prayer! i barely slept a wink bc with every contraction i was praying against labor so that i wouldn't miss it. i am having more contrax break through the turb, which makes me wonder if we are getting closer....or if it is just that the terb is not quite as effective as it has been. 5 more days until our 36 week goal!! since we first found out about twins we have hoped for 36 weeks so it would be amazing to get that far!
May 24, 2007
guess what? i just returned home from lunch with my team today!! had an appointment this morning and want to share some GREAT NEWS! i am still only 1.5 dilated and just 50% effaced. she said at this point i can go off of "bed rest" and just take it easy. she said i could get out for dinner/ lunch or do some shopping...just not to push it. no problem there since it is exhausting just walking to and from the car! we also scheduled our c-section date....if i don't go into labor before then, davis & berkley will be here on JUNE 6th!
i am so thankful to have made it this far and still no more cervical change! even my dr. was pleasantly surprised...can you imagine if we make it to june 6th!! and if not, i am just grateful to be almost 36 weeks!!
May 26
ryan and i went out to get pedicures today! (i got him hooked ...all it took was the foot massage to get him there). then we ran a few errands. it feels soooooo good to get out of the house and move around more! and hopefully it will help me get some energy and strength back before the little ones get here. i cannot believe that they are coming within the next 10 DAYS!!!!
May 28, 2007
today is the big day...WE MADE IT TO 36 WEEKS! since october we have said today was our big goal..may 28. thank you LORD! it is so wild that we went into pre term labor 6 weeks ago already!! these six weeks have given the babies the opportunity to grow grow grow and the opportunity for mom & dad to be even more ready!! every corner of the house/ nursery is organized and ready for their arrival... the big question is what to do once they get home!!! i guess nothing really makes YOU ready for babies, even when your home is! We went to see pirates of the Caribbean this afternoon and then went out for pizza. It was our first and probably last date night in a long time. Feels so good to get out a little bit even though I am HUGE and get tired easily.
i am excited about the babies coming...but in some ways sad about missing time with ryan. i know it will just look differently but i am just treasuring every moment we have together for now.
May 31
we had our FINAL pre-natal apt this morning...so weird! we got the cutest pics of berkley's face. she's really filled out and has nice round cheeks! davis is still behind her on growth but not too too bad. they both did great on the NST but i was having contx 5 minutes apart. i stopped taking the terb around the clock so that it would get me a little closer to our section date...no more refills. the contx are not painful, just frequent. my dr. isn't worried about it since i've had 6 weeks of contx and still no more cervical change. one more week to go! they moved my section to next thur, june 7th at 9 am. hoping to make it...i will be 37 weeks and 3 days! (unless of course they decide to come on the 5th, which would be great too.)
ryan and i are treasuring our time together. it has been a really precious 7 weeks for us to enjoy one another before we become a family of four. bed rest has been a true gift in many ways. he is so thoughtful...he snuck the camera and tripod into the car before our apt and afterward drove us to a pretty location to take pictures. he knows how much i will miss the exp. of being pregnant and my big honkin belly.... so he wanted to help us capture it one last time! so sweet. here are a few..
A Midlife Check-In: What Will You Keep?
12 hours ago
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