Monday, December 10, 2007

6 month stats

we went to the doctor today for the babies 6 month appointment.
they did surprisingly well with the immunizations & didn't cry until the 3rd shot. i still hurt just watching them! poor babies.
berkley now weighs TWO POUNDS more than davis. she is a whopping 16 pounds 4 oz. & davis is 14.4. he went from the 25th percentile to the 5th. the pediatrician isn't concerned since he still nurses well. he said that it may just be a genetic factor or that he is more active/ wiggly than berkley. he reminded us that even though they are twins, they could differ a great deal metabolically. it's hard not to worry but i think i was on the low end of the growth charts until college! i have no doubt he will catch up with berkley...even if it takes 14 years to do it.


  1. Don't worry about the stats. You can tell by looking at them that they are so healthy and very very happy! They still weigh more than the girls did at their 9 month appt! Love seeing all their cute pics!

  2. Andrea,
    I can't believe your babies are eating sweet potatoes already! Seems like yesterday you were on bedrest! they are darling, no worries about Davis- he looks great! Did you see my new girl? check her out: Yeah, I am so proud!

  3. I think Preston was that exact weight at his 6 month!! and he's not even a twin!! Our dr. was also a little concerned, so we went in for a weight check this month and he had gained almost a pound...I think P is just gonna be a little lean??? b/c he eats like a horse. I'm like you...I can't figure it out.

  4. I know it is hard not to worry, but I'm sure he's fine. My girls were both low on the growth charts (both about 13 pounds at 6 mos.) until they hit 18 months. Then, I had the opposite problem - the doctor started lecturing me about feeding them sweets because they'd gone from below 25% to over 50% in 6 months! (btw, they had never even had juice, so I knew that wasn't the issue) However, that is just the way they are and, I'm sure, the way our next will be. If he's still nursing well, developing fine, and happy, don't worry. He will gain what he needs to when he needs to. Both Davis and Berkley are precious! Have a Merry Christmas!

  5. SO CUTE!!!! oh my goodness, they are getting so big so fast!!! love to you four. come visit us when you're in dallas next! ;)


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