just got back from the u/s and you will never believe it...
we have TWINS on the way!!!!!!!!!!!
on the scan she passed over the sac so quickly at first but i said, "i think i see something there" i was praying desperately to see anything at all...even just the yolk sac today....she said..."there's one baby...and there is the other." i immediately saw the little white blinking lights and started crying. i had all of this anxiety before the u/s that i had to take deep breaths as i laid on the table. it was such a relief to see the heartbeats that i just started crying. it didn't even sink in that we saw 2 heartbeats!!!!! it still hasn't yet but when it does i think i will freak out! i am just sooooo thankful to the LORD to see our babies this time and to see that little heart pumping! or those little hearts pumping...i'm gonna have to get use to this!!!! my dr. said..."there are only two so that's good" she was so calm and collected.
can you believe it!!!!!!!!! i will go back in next monday to see their progress but so far she said the sacs look great and so do the heartbeats. she wasn't able to measure the rate at this point though.
i am in total and COMPLETE shock!!!!!!!!!!
here is our first u/s pic...super hard to see much but you can kind of make out the ring and the little bittys attached to them.

my head is spinning and my body is almost shaking from nerves! i am so relieved to have seen a baby at all and am sure it will take the rest of my life to wrap my mind around twins. pray against fear... fear of m/c, fear of raising a baby, much less 2, fear of providing financially...fear is a stronghold for me and i don't want to allow it to rob the glory that is due HIM! i never would have imagined when we were going through our m/c just 2 months ago that we would have 2 more on the way! praise the LORD.
it was funny how ryan & i had such different responses...his first thought was OMG we are having twins! my first thought was THERE'S A HEARTBEAT!!!!! i didn't even really think about the twins part of it all until we were leaving. i was just so relieved to see a baby at all and especially a heartbeat. i wasn't counting on the heartbeat much less 2! can you tell i my head is still spinning!! must be quiet now.
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